Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nature & Its Beauty =)

Jom ikut saya pergi tengok nature =) daripada otak tepu masa study week, better pergi relax minda jap kan..

Boleh tengok tumbuhan hijau & nature's beauty..hehe..

Saya pergi dengan roomate tercinta..Kak Ila..

Sempat lagi main tembak-tembak..hehe..

Alamak banyaknya papan tanda..nak sesat ke ni..=(

Bunga Angkasa : Betul ke jalan ni Kak Ila?  Kak Ila : Ikut ajelah..kaki boleh berjalan lagi..

Saya & tumbuhan ubatan..hehehe =D

Saya nak angkat tapi tak larat..=D

Tengok apa saya jumpa..besarnya daun ni..=O

Terkejut tengok pokok kulit tisu ni..hihi..
Nature's beauty =)

Nature's beauty Part 2 =D
Nature's beauty Part 3..hehe..daun ni boleh ganti teddy bear =D

Ha..tengok apa tu Kak Ila..jangan intai-intai tau..=)

Kak Ila pulak yang hilang..mana dia ni..huhu..

Kak Ila dekat sarang burung rupanya..mesti telur burung dah kena curi..hehe =D

Cepat ambik gambar sebelum mak burung datang..hehe..

Bunga Angkasa & Haruman bunga..=)

Bunga Angkasa : Panasnya..huhu..berkipas jap..Kak Ila : Hmmmphh takde maknayaaaaa..

Berehat di taman..

Kak Ila penat ke tu..=D

Cantik tak nature's beauty..hehe..

Sekian dari Bunga Angkasa =)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Tengah study Kalkulus II ni..........

Jangan kacau tau..

Ok bye..









Tensionnya..huhuhu T_T exam dah nak dekat..

Tapi yang bestnya..

Lepas exam boleh balik kampung =D yayyyyy!!

Bye..siapa lambat, tinggal =D

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Exam Time!!!!

Seminggu ghaib..sekarang dah muncul balik..hihi..study week dah start (2 minggu lepas)..jom study!!!

Good luck untuk yang akan ambik exam..

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spaghetti Bunga Angkasa

Sekali makan rasa macam nak terbang=)

Sangat simple. Tunjuk gambar je pun boleh..


Cara-cara memasak:
Potong bawang putih..

Potong cendawan kering yang dah direndam..

Potong bawang besar..
Potong cili kering..

Rebus spaghetti..

Tumis bawang putih & bawang besar..sampai wangi..
7. Masukkan cili potong dan kacau
8. Masukkan cendawan potong..gaul sampai naik bau
9. Masukkan sotong, gaul sampai sotong masak
10. Tambahkan garam & lada putih secukup rasa
11. Masukkan spaghetti. Gaul rata & sebati.
12. Siap! Best served with daun bawang


Preparation time : 10 minit
Cooking time : 15 minit
Eating time : 2 minit..kalau gelojoh..hahaha =D

Mari Membuat Bom..

Selamat petang semua..hari ni saya nak tunjuk cara untuk membuat bom..

Ya..kita nak buat bom ni..

Kenapa nak buat bom..? Sekarang study week, so memang masing2 rasa macam nak meletup..daripada kepala yang meletup, better kita buat bom kan? =)

Saya nak tunjuk cara membuat bom yang paling simple. Tak payah guna belerang pun. Kalau di kampung, saya selalu buat bom =) orang tak takut pun..budak2 pun suka main..hehe..


Kelapa parut fresh (boleh dibeli di Kedai Gani) =D
1/2 bungkus Gula apung/gula Melaka
1 kilo Tepung pulut
2 sudu makan tepung gandum
Air secukupnya
Pewarna hijau/pes pandan
2 sudu makan Gula


Membuat inti
1. Panaskan kuali, masukkan gula melaka
2. Kacau gula sampai cair. Guna api perlahan
3. Masukkan kelapa parut. Gaul rata.
4. Masukkan gula. Gaul lagi sampai sebati & puas hati
5. Tutup api, sejukkan.

Adunan kuih
1. Satukan tepung pulut & tepung gandum.
2 Masukkan air dan gaul rata. Air mesti balanced supada adunan tak jadi terlalu lembik dan tak terlalu keras. Terpulang kepada tukang gaul =D. Masukkan pewarna hijau/pes pandan, Gaul sebati.
3.Bentukkan adunan jadi bentuk bulat-bulat. Saiz ikut suka Kalau nak bom tu meletup kuat, buatlah besar- besar.
4. Panaskan air dalam periuk
5. Masukkan inti yang sudah sejuk dalam adunan yang dah dibulatkan tadi.
6. Masukkan bom tadi dalam air yang mendidih. Bila bom dah terapung, maknanya bom tu dah masak. Jangan bimbang, bom ni masih tak meletup masa ni. Masukkan berulang kali sampai bom tu habis.
7. Gaul/golekkan bom tadi dengan kelapa parut. Siap!

Bom sedang diadun..
Bom dah siap! Selamat & sedap dimakan =D

Sedap kan? =) Bom saya sedap dimakan masa petang. Kalau gigit bom ni, nanti dia meletup, keluar gula melaka dalam mulut..sedaaaaap =O

Memang meletup..Saya tak tipu kan? Selamat mencuba! =)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reflections on the Exam..

I had the exam on the 1st of November, 3 P.M..

Earlier that day, I had a Lab Management exam on 11.30am - 1.30pm..right after the exam ended, I did some light studying for this subject.

Did I felt a little nervousness? Of course I am. However, I was not letting my nervousness to overpower me. I'm a student and I have to behave like one, that is taking the exam with full of confidence =)

These are the questions from the exam:

For me, I think these questions were more focused on applications of technology in teaching and require more thinking skills. Notes alone were not that sufficient to answer these questions.
I found that there is only one factual question, which is about theoretical foundations for technology integration in the science classroom. The rest of the questions rely on common sense and creativity.

There is also a reasoning question ( Question 2 (b)) that needs me to give comments. This question does not have definite right or wrong answer. It depends on our reasons, whether they are reasonable or not.

Question 1 (b) and 3 asks about integration of technology in teaching. Hard to think but I love to answer these questions. These questions required me to think about science concepts and how to utilize technology to deliver it effectively. It means, these questions are intermediate; they are not too easy or too hard to answer.

Based on the whole paper, I found out that the questions are balanced between easy to high-level questions.The paper satisfied the principle of evaluation in education. It is because the questions vary from low level to high level questions.

Thank you to Dr. Shahul for one semester of teaching and educating us to utilize technology in teaching science concepts. This course has meant so much for me because prior to taking this subject, I had very little knowledge about technology and didn't know how to apply it in teaching science concepts. So, your teaching can be said as 'meaningful knowledge' =)

Cats - How Funny They Are!

I like cats very much!!