Thursday, October 14, 2010

Microteaching on 13rd October..

I had a session of microteaching yesterday..together with my classmate, Gilbirt..

The topic that we taught is about probability. The lesson is in the syllabus of Form 5 Additional Mathematics. I covered the introductory and about three independent events. Gilbirt taught the rest.
At the beginning of our microteaching, I shown a video clip to the class, exposing about probabilities that occur in our daily lives. I made the video myself. Without we realizing it, probability happen almost every time in our daily lives but often taken for granted.

At the end of the session, I managed to grab the class' attention and everything went smoothly as planned. Days of planning and organizing finally paid well when our lecturer, Dr. Sharifah gave very positive comments regarding our methods and style of teaching. I felt proud to myself.

In the next coming assignments or teaching sessions, I'll strive to do even better than before.

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